Only eight Phoenix class were ever built and I have chosen the number 549 for mine as I found a photo of this tram with the "Cinzano" ad on the side. After I added the Tristram's soft drink ad to the other side I found another photo showing that it had the "Caltex Astron" ad on the second side, at least for some of the time in the latter years. But I can live with that as the Tristram's ad was a favourite of mine with it's misuse of the word, "TRIS TRAM"
One disadvantage of cardboard is it is often necessary to "beef" up very small parts so that they can be assembled without breaking. This proved to be a problem with this model as I had to trim the ads to fit over the central doors because of the thickness of the trim around the roof and the door mouldings.
I am pleased with the model. The Bull Ant mechanism runs well and I have run a pair of wires under the floor to pick up power from the second truck. All my models are wired for two rail operation but I have made allowance to switch over to overhead collection without too much effort.
Now back to my drop centre model.
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