I needed a pair of two motor type controllers for my new model so it seamed like the time to batch produce a few. I'm making a generic type controller but I'm basing it on one that was common to the drop centre trams. The first photo shows a top view and this type had an extra switch on the top plate to switch out a faulty motor. Others used in Brisbane required the front cover to be removed as the motor isolation switched were in the bottom of the controller.
I laminated a number of strips of styrene to build up the size required for the body of the controllers and let them thoroughly dry before sanding to shape with my new sanding sticks. The two smaller strips are for the top plates which on the full size controller overhang the sides by a good 1/2". When originally built these trams had open driver's compartments and I suspect this overhang was to protect the internals from rain.
I expected trouble snapping off the individual pieces because of the thickness and allowed extra material for the rejects but it went without any problems at all and I ended up with enough pieces for 14 controllers.
In the last photo the top have been glued to the bases and most of the sanding done. I can see a few problems to fix up. It's amazing what shows up in a photo that is not apparent when you are holding the piece in your hand.
So some more sanding and then onto the detail on the top. Handles etc.
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