Sunday, January 3, 2010

A early version Drop Centre in "O" scale part 3

Assembly is well under way with all of the main components glued together. The first photo is an overall shot of the model so far. No attempt has been made to clean any of it up. I still have to fit a lot of the smaller detail, the timber mouldings and the rounded noses to the tram.

When the rounded noses are in place I shall have to put it aside for a few days for the glue to dry properly so I can sand what I have so far Much easier to sand joints etc without all the fine detail in place.

I use ultra thin styrene cement and I have a theory about this stuff. I have noticed if you sand a joint too quickly you often tear out pieces of styrene and leave a groove or at least a series of holes that have to be filled. My theory is the liquid wicks inside the joint softening the styrene and making the bond then the outside sets hard and then it's like screwing the lid on the glue bottle. The solvent is trapped inside and can't evaporate. This leaves one with an apparently hard joint but it is actually soft inside for some days.

I need to finish the trucks for this project anyway as I can't glue in the cabin floors until I know how much clearance I will need. So another day on the body then back on the trucks for awhile.

The last two photos are either side of the driver's compartment. These early trams did not have the full metal skirt and timber battens were used to provide some safety for the public.

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